Sex Addiction Statistics


20+ Startling Sex Addiction Statistics in 2025

Sex Addiction, Statistics

In This Article…

Sex addiction is a real condition and is categorized among mental health conditions.

In recent years, this topic has gotten more attention and exposure in the media than ever before.

In the following sex addiction statistics, we will enlighten you about sex addiction to bring awareness to our readers.

Some phrases you will see throughout this article may include sex addiction, sex addictions, problematic sexual behavior, CSB (Compulsive Sexual Behavior), sexual compulsivity, and hypersexuality.

These terms are all used interchangeably so when you see them, you know we are addressing the same basic subject matter.

We will be covering a wide variety of statistics, demographics, and other data you need to better understand this condition and how it affects those who have it.

Let’s become aware.

Key Statistics

  • 94.7% of those diagnosed with hypersexuality are men compared to only 5.3% being women.
  • Research shows that the percentage of sexual addiction disorders ranges between 3% and 8% of the United States population.
  • 43% of people with sexual addictions also reported chemical dependency.
  • 34% of those struggling with sex addiction said they have no other addictions.
  • 81% of people who struggle with sex addiction were sexually abused in childhood.
  • 10.3% of men with CSB showed clinical levels of impairment or distress. 
  • 90% of people with addictive sexual disorders say they have obsessive thoughts, behaviors, or fantasies. 
  • 87% of people with a sex addiction lived in dysfunctional families.
  • 21% of hypersexual patients in a study said they had affairs with someone other than their partners.
  • 79% of 142 study respondents said they were seeing more than one therapist for sexual addiction.

Sex Addiction Statistics

1. 94.7% of Men Have Been Diagnosed with Hypersexuality Compared to Only 5.3% of Women.

According to a research study, of people diagnosed with hypersexuality 94.7% were men and 5.3% were women.

Therefore, men are most likely to struggle with hypersexuality than women.

This data was discovered, and diagnoses were made based on the DSM-5 (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), which is the guide used as the primary authority on diagnosing mental disorders. 


2. Research Shows that The Percentage of Sexual Addiction Disorders Ranges Between 3% and 6% of The United States Population.

Sex addiction affects between 3% and 6% of the American population, according to research.

Therefore, we can know that many struggle with behavioral addictions like CSB.

This means that treatments are needed for individuals who struggle with sex addiction.

Like any other addiction, hypersexuality can result in negatively charged behaviors that will impact their jobs, school, and relationships. 

(Project Know)

3. 43% of People with Sexual Addictions Also Reported Chemical Dependency.

It’s not unusual for people who struggle with sex addiction to also have at least one other addiction like alcohol, drugs, gambling, and other compulsions.

In fact, 43% of those struggling with a sex addiction also said they struggle with chemical dependency.

Another 38% said they also have an eating disorder, and 28% said they struggle with compulsive working. 

(Hope Counseling Center)

4. 34% of Those Struggling with Sex Addiction Said They Have No Other Addictions.

Most people struggling with sex addiction also struggle with other addictions.

Only 34% of people with sex addiction in a survey said they have no other addiction.

It’s unusual for anyone struggling with sex addiction to solely struggle with this condition.

(Sexual Alpha)

5. 81% of People Who Struggle with Sex Addiction Were Sexually Abused in Childhood.

Sadly, 81% of people with sex addiction were sexually abused during their childhood, according to a study.

We can surmise from this frustrating statistic that sexual abuse in childhood has a strong affiliation with sex addiction in their adulthood.

Sexual abuse isn’t the only form of abuse affiliated with sexual compulsivity.

Another 72% of those who struggle with sex addiction suffered physical abuse in childhood and 97% suffered emotional abuse. 


6. 10.3% of Men with Csb Showed Clinical Levels of Impairment or Distress. 

The Jama Network reported findings from a study among men and women in the United States that struggle with sex addiction due to CSB (Compulsive Sexual Behavior.

It  showed that 10.3% of men presented with clinical levels of impairment and/or distress affiliated with challenges in controlling their sexual urges, feelings, and behaviors.

In contrast, 7% of women produced the same results.

The national figure is 8.6% among all study participants. 

(Jama Network Journals)

7. 90% of People with Addictive Sexual Disorders Say They Have Obsessive Thoughts, Behaviors, or Fantasies. 

A journal report by Current Pharmaceutical Design in 2014 revealed that 90% of people with impulsive, compulsive, addictive hypersexual disorder or addictive sexual disorder revealed that they have obsessive thoughts and behaviors or sexual fantasies.

In one study, an estimated 12.1% of the male sample and 6.8% of female sample were more apt to be younger and more likely to have been separated from their parents at an early age.

(Research Gate)

8. 87% of People with A Sex Addiction Lived in Dysfunctional Families.

According to 2018 data, 87% of those with a sex addiction grew up in a dysfunctional family.

In fact, they lived in homes where one or more family members had a history of some form of addiction. 

(Research Gate²)

9. 21% of Hypersexual Patients in A Study Said They Had Affairs with Someone Other than Their Partners.

This clinical study included male outpatients from a clinic that specializes in hypersexuality treatments.

Out of this sample of men, 21% admitted to having a extra marital affairs.

Another 51% admitted to having a pornography dependence, and 12% admitted to having unprotected sex with several people they didn’t know. 

(Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 2009)

10. 79% of 142 Study Respondents Said They Were Seeing More than One Therapist for Sexual Addiction.

In a sexual addiction study of 142 participants in 1996 79% said they were seeing multiple therapists.

This study also revealed that 79% of people with sexual addiction and 69% of coaddicts were seeing more than one counselor.

At the lower end, 17% of respondents admitted to seeing four or more therapists.

Only a few of these respondents enjoyed a successful result from their therapy sessions. 

(Oxbow Academy)

11. The Average Recovery Time for Sex Addiction Is 3.4 Years.

In a global survey of 164 (82 sex addicts and 82 spouses) people recovering from sex addiction and their significant others, a mean result of 3.4 years in recovery time was needed.

This data comes from the range of two months to 14 years in recovery.

Keep in mind that recovery from any addiction is a lifelong process.

Data shows it is possible to recover from sex addiction, though it’s a daily battle.

Individual reports accounted for 38% who said they were in recovery for less than 2 years, 28% more than two but less than 5 years, and 34% at least 5 years.

(Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 1998)

12. 25% of Sex Coaddicts Had Less than 2 Years in A 12-Step Recovery Program.

Coaddicts are people who get preoccupied with the dysfunctional behavior of their close friend or loved one.

They are also enablers to the addicts.  Therefore, sex coaddicts can also get therapy.

In fact, 25% in a survey said they had less than 2 years in a 12-step recovery program.

Additionally, 34% had between 2 and 5 years in a 12-step recovery program and 41% had at least 5 years. 

(Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 1998)

13. From the Sex Addicted Person’s Point of View, 49% Say that Therapy or Counseling Services Were the Most Helpful Tools. 

People with sex addictions took a survey and 49% said that counseling/therapy was the most helpful tool for their recovery.

Also, from the sex coaddict’s perspective 58% felt that therapy/counseling is the best recovery tool.

Moreover, 40% of those who are sex addicted believe that 12-step meetings/groups are the best path to recovery.

Likewise, 50% of coaddicts said the same thing.

(Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 1998) 

14. A Surprising 64% of People with Sex Addiction with At Least 5 Years in Recovery Admitted to A Relapse. 

It’s common for anyone who has any kind of addiction to have a relapse during recovery.

Since sex addiction requires a lifelong commitment to recovery, some relapses (minor or major) are expected.

According to one study, 64% of people with a sexual addiction and with at least 5 years in recovery admitted to having a major relapse.

(Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 1998)

15. 43% of Partners of Sex Addicts Threaten to Leave After Learning About a Relapse in Their Recovery. 

It’s also common for the partner of a sex addict to say they will leave after their loved on has a relapse.

In fact, 43% of respondents with partners who relapse during sex addiction therapy threatened to leave them. 

(Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 1998)

16. 93% of People with Sex Addiction Also Have a Porn Addiction.

The pornography industry is booming because of people who enjoy watching it.

In fact, many people get addicted to porn from excessive exposure.

Moreover, 93% of people who have a sex addiction also suffer from porn addiction. 


17. 98% of People Addicted to Sex Feel Like Their Partner Is Rejecting Them.

Strong and negative emotions are an unfortunate part of being addicted to sex.

One of these strong and negative emotions is feeling rejected by their partner.

In fact, 98% of people addicted to sex feel rejected by their partner.

More negative and strong emotions experienced by sex addicts include anger, betrayal, isolation, loneliness, humiliation, abandonment, and depression.


18. Overall, 40% of People with A Sex Addiction Have An STI.

Research has revealed that 45% of women and 38% of men with a sex addiction have gotten a venereal disease due to their compulsive sexual behavior.

The side effects of being addicted to sex are not pretty, based on this data. 

(Psych Guides)

19. 70% of Women Who Have a Sex Addiction Said They Had at Least One Unwanted Pregnancy.

Another side effect of being a sex addict if you’re female is an unwanted pregnancy.

It’s risky enough to have unprotected sex, but this can also result in a pregnancy you simply don’t want to go through. 

(Psych Guides)

20. Patrick Carnes Was the First Person to Diagnose and Name Sex Addiction.

In 1983, Patrick Carnes diagnosed and named sexual addiction in his publication, “Out of the Shadows: Understanding sexual addiction”.

This publication has been cited in other publications and articles more than 1558 times since that time. 



What Is Sex Addiction?

Sex addiction is when a person has compulsive desire for sexual activity even if negative consequences follow.

It’s categorized as a major mental health disorder that can result in impairment and distress.

What Are the Symptoms and Signs of Sex Addiction?

There are things you can watch for if you think someone you know is struggling with sex addiction. 

• Compulsive thoughts about or urges for sexual activity.
• Withdrawing from relationships and social activities.
• Struggling to control sexual behavior.
• Issues at school or work because of their sexual behavior.
• Feeling ashamed, guilty, or remorseful about engaging in sexual behaviors. 
• Getting involved in dangerous or risky sexual activities. 

What Can Cause Sexual Addiction?

There are a few things that can contribute to developing sexual addiction.

• Genetics, brain chemistry, or other biological elements.
• Exposure to sexual abuse, pornography, and other environmental factors.
• Trauma, low self-esteem, and other psychological factors.

How Do They Treat Sex Addiction?

Like most illnesses, mental or physical, treating sex addiction doesn’t have a single, one-off treatment or solution.

We found some treatments that are used for treating sexual addiction.

• CBT (Cognitive-behavioral therapy) is used to help people struggling with addiction to identify unhealthy behaviors and to alter them.
• 12-step programs are there to guide and support people who struggle with sex addiction. One program like this is called Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA).
• Medication, though usually a last resort or used in more serious cases, is used for symptom management for sex addiction.

What Is the Prognosis for Those with Sex Addiction?

In terms of a long-term prognoses, people who struggle with sex addiction can enjoy long-term recovery with the right treatment(s).

It’s important to remember that like any addiction, this is a lifelong recovery process which means there are likely to be some setbacks during this lifelong recovery process.

However, with ongoing support and effort, it’s possible to overcome sex addiction and to enjoy a fulfilling quality of life.

How Can You Get Help for Sex Addiction?

If you’re struggling with sex addiction, or you have a loved one or friend struggling with this disorder, there are resources available to you.

You can start by doing an online search for local therapists in your area or a mental health clinic.

You may also want to reach out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE) for confidential help and support if you’re in the United States.


We have learned that between 3% and 6% of people in the United States struggle with sex addiction, which is equivalent to over 9 million to 19 million people in America alone.

The person with the sexual addiction isn’t the only one who suffers.

Their partners also struggle because of sex addiction.

Some are coaddicts who are enablers. 

If you didn’t already know how serious sex addiction is, you should be more aware of it after reading these statistics. 

We hope these statistics have enlightened you and are of value to you or someone you know.


NIHBedBibleResearch Gate²
Psych GuidesProject KnowJama Network Journals
Oxbow AcademyNIH³Hope Counseling Center
Research GateSexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 1998Sexual Alpha
NIH²Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 2009